متن ایمیل اینجانب به پرفسور ریموند واناراگون پیرامون شناخت شناسی و شناخت خود و علت خطادر احکام صادره
متن ایمیل اینجانب به پرفسور ریموند واناراگون پیرامون بجث شناخت شناسی و شناخت خود و قضاوت
Dear Dr VanArragon`
That day that I can`t answer your mail, I was thinking hard about that subject.
I reached the conclusion that:
I know that the sense of the divine is in me, but I can’t know that this sense is authentic or no. And I knew that the “myself “is only thing that I can know that and I can judge that and I can decision about that.
Everything that is outside me except ‘myself ‘.I can’t know those well. Because usually my judgment (or the judgment of man, about the things outside himself) is not compatible with the reality outside myself. So:
I can have perfect knowing about myself and I can’t and have that knowing about outside of myself and knowing that way always is with mistake. Some things are beyond our scope of understanding (God …).
I don’t know I wrote well or not .But I hope transferred my ideas to you well. And I want you to help me to know my problems.
Thank you for the time spent reading it.
All the best
.Ramin Gholizade